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New posts in delphi-xe7

Excel 2010 automation constants not working in Delphi XE7

Why does Delphi XE7 change PNG image on every FMX form save?

Why does TEdit.OnChange trigger when Ctrl+A is pressed?

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Insert colored line at the top of TRichEdit

delphi delphi-xe7

Delphi XE7 smart pointers

Rounding error with TDateTime on iOS

What does Opt.out mean?

Converting Delphi Objects to JSON

json delphi delphi-xe7

How can I use a hlp file for context sensitive help in my application?

Any way to speed up SaveToStream on TPNGImage?

delphi delphi-xe7

Barcode reading Delphi xe7, event after intent not triggering

Base64-decode a string using NetEncoding in Delphi XE7?

JVCL installation Delphi XE7

delphi delphi-xe7 jvcl

What is 'Limited Debug Information'? (Full “Debugging Information" generates huge EXE files)

How to create a form before the MainForm?

changing the initialization order of the unit in Delphi

delphi delphi-xe7

Allow user to copy text from a password field

delphi delphi-xe7

How to remove all duplicates from a list?

In which uses can I find SharedActivityContext?

android delphi delphi-xe7

Access violation using THTTPGet with OpenSSL under iOS after upgrading to XE7 update 1

ios delphi ssl indy delphi-xe7