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New posts in spring4d

Delphi, how to avoid application.CreateForm?

spring4d unregister interface type (spring4d, dunitx, delphi-mocks)

What is the difference between GlobalContainer and ServiceLocator in Spring for Delphi?

delphi spring4d

Delphi Spring framework register generic type

Delphi Spring4D IList memory overflow

How to initialize main application form in Spring4D GlobalContainer?

delphi spring4d

Is there a map function?

How to remove all duplicates from a list?

How do I ensure that a given dependency is included in my app with the Spring Framework?

delphi - how to pass a parameter from the instantiator to a constructor in the spring4d dependency injection framework?

Delphi Spring DI: Is it possible to delegate interface instantiation without an implementing type?

Why is list of type TObjectList freed automatically after iteration?

delphi spring4d

IList<T> crashes when T is an event handler?

delphi spring4d

Delphi interface helpers / workarounds

Constructor injection versus setter injection for Parent property