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New posts in delphi-xe3

Delphi: Loop through bytes in record

delphi loops record delphi-xe3

How do I make FastReport generate a PDF that's viewable on iOS?

How to get the list of fonts available - Delphi XE3 + Firemonkey 2?

Efficiently populate combobox in Delphi

delphi combobox delphi-xe3

What are the list of all possible values for DVCLAL?

How do I use a string in TRttiMethod.Invoke as parameter properly?

delphi delphi-xe3 rtti

Porting Assembler x86 CPU ID code to AMD64

How do I hide inherited published properties in a runtime designer?

How to parse specified value from JSON object in Delphi XE3?

Can I create a generic list of a particular interface in Delphi?

Why can't I return arbitrary array of string?

arrays delphi delphi-xe3

Problems returning self as a function result

delphi delphi-xe3

How to show the sort arrow on a TListView column?

delphi listview delphi-xe3

How to force Firemonkey to use a DirectX 9 context in Delphi XE3?

How to conditionally include some units

delphi delphi-xe3

How to configure FastMM to detect memory leak in a dll

delphi dll delphi-xe3 fastmm

Can we use RTTI to find functions/procedures by name and run them?

delphi rtti delphi-xe3

Delphi records assignment

Delphi compiler Error: Compiler for personality "Delphi.Personality" and platform "Win32" missing or unavailable