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New posts in date-format

Custom Parser for Tablesorter plugin for custom date format

How to force ISO format "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss" on the JSON output?

Date_format - php

php mysql date-format

Mongodb WeekofMonth?

Android DateFormat for AM/PM differs between devices

How to retrieve the date format for a locale

java date locale date-format

What are the differences between struct_time and datetime?

python date-format

How to get Hours from a date using java

Format date using variable

c# date-format

SimpleDateFormat toPattern behaves differently in java 9

Help interpreting/converting odd date format

jQuery.ui.datepicker with Asp.Net MVC dateFormat mapping

Formatting GregorianCalendar in EL with JSTL/fmt

jsp jstl el date-format

how to check current system date format?

vb.net date-format

Android How to change Total number of days into years,months and days exactly?

Get locale specific date/time format in Java

java locale date-format

In what format is this date string?

What string date format will javascript's parse recognize?

javascript date date-format

check format of date with moment.js

Parsing a date with short month without dot

java locale date-format