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Need Help with Jquery TableSorter Pager plugin

tablesorter pager (v 2.10) with page numbers


Tablesorter: Set initial filter-select value on load

filter load tablesorter

jquery tablesorter pager css issue

jquery table sorter - dd/mm/yyyy parser

jquery parsing tablesorter

Jquery: TableSorter- Date with specic format is not working

TableSorter: How can I change the position of sorting arrows

jQuery Sortable Table plugin for Rails 3 Recommendation

Spaces between table rows with borders in CSS

Sorting Table Columns with jQuery Table Sorter

jquery tablesorter

Adding columns dynamically to a table managed with jQuery's tablesorter

jquery tablesorter

Data tables vs jQGrid vs Google Visualization performance wise

jQuery tablesorter with knockout - adding rows

How to add jQuery .on click to Tablesorter th?

jquery html ajax tablesorter

jQuery table sorter not working for values that are fetched by AJAX

How to sort dynamic table data after appending

Updating jQuery Tablesorter plugin after removing a row from DOM

jquery tablesorter pager

Problem with sorting dates with jquery tablesorter

Exclude a column from being sorted using jQuery tablesorter

jquery tablesorter

jQuery tablesorter is not sorting number correctly

jquery tablesorter