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New posts in data.table

Replace a sequence of values by group depending on preceeding values

R: Which is the optimal way to compute functions over time with 3D arrays (latitude, longitude, and time)?

r arrays data.table tidyverse

R: loop over columns in data.table

r data.table sapply

NA in data.table

r data.table na

R (data.table) group data by custom range (for example, -18, 18-25, ..., 65+)

r grouping data.table

Update a column of NAs in one data table with the value from a column in another data table

r reference data.table

Faster way to summarise variables based on column

r data.table dplyr

data.table subsetting rows using a logical column: why do I have to explicitly compare with TRUE? [duplicate]

r data.table

How to create a random matching between the rows of two data.tables (or data.frames)

r data.table

setnames for duplicate colnames in data.table

r data.table

R fast single item lookup from list vs data.table vs hash

r hash data.table

How to prevent rows with duplicated indices / keys to be appended to a data.frame?

Remove constant columns with or without NAs

r data.table

merge a data.table with itself after a reference lookup

r data.table

R using fread colClasses or skip arguments to read csv with no column headers

r csv data.table fread

How to set multiple columns in a data table to values from different columns in the same data table?

r data.table

Combine a list of data frames into one preserving row names

r data.table plyr dplyr

Error in R data.table v1.9.6 - function "fread"

r data.table fread

fread from data.table package when column names include spaces and special characters?

Efficient R code for finding indices associated with unique values in vector

r list vector unique data.table