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New posts in data.table

R grouping by condition in data.table

r grouping data.table

data.table or dplyr - data manipulation

filter rows by a function over values of each row, data.table

r data.table

R data table: update join

r data.table

cbind with partially nested list

r list data.table nested-lists

return ID's of unique combinations

r dplyr data.table

Fastest way to drop rows with missing values?

r data.table

How to aggregate a data.frame on both row and column names based on a hierarchical dictionary name structure?

r data.table

Reshaping data table to make column names into row names

r data.table reshape reshape2

How to do operations on list columns in an R data.table to output another list column?

r data.table

How to order rows by conditions in other columns in r?

Translating dplyr to data.table

r dplyr data.table dtplyr

r - Efficiently create variable indicating if date variable precedes event (by group)

r date group-by dplyr data.table

Reclassify select columns in Data Table

r data.table

Calculate multiple aggregations on several variables using lapply(.SD, ...)

r data.table

Number of firms per year using dplyr or datatable

Efficient coding to make time increments 'finer' from minutes to seconds

r loops data.table xts

R data.table group by multiple columns into 1 column and sum

r group-by data.table

lapply and do.call running very slowly?

r data.table lapply do.call

Create a new column with non-null columns' names

r data.table