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New posts in data-manipulation

Javascript JSON data manipulation library

insert missing category for each group in pandas dataframe

Reshape data frame from wide to panel with multiple variables and some time invariant

Converting all occurrence of True/False to 1/0 in a dataframe with mixed datatype [duplicate]

python data-manipulation

dplyr : how-to programmatically full_join dataframes contained in a list of lists?

How can we check if any 2 intervals of a unique ID overlaps?

Transpose data by groups in R

r reshape data-manipulation

Iteratively and hierarchically cycle through rows till a condition is met

R multiple statistics for multiple columns with data.table [duplicate]

Replacing NAs in a column with the values of other column

r dplyr data-manipulation

Flatten a column with value of type list while duplicating the other column's value accordingly in Pandas

Shifting non-NA cells to the left

Normalize (reformat) cross-tab data for Tableau without using Excel

Passing strings as arguments in dplyr verbs

Check python string format?

Assign value to group based on condition in column

r data-manipulation

Sliding time intervals for time series data in R

REAL() can only be applied to a 'numeric', not a 'integer'

r data-manipulation xgboost

Extract letters from a string in R

r string data-manipulation

How to find differences between two JavaScript arrays of objects?