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New posts in cygwin

Installing Make in Cygwin

Perl CSV_XS module installation failed using Cygwin

perl cygwin

Error in building ndk library

Git-bash (Cygwin) and vagrant-berkshelf

How to convert Hexadecimal to Decimal?

c cygwin hex decimal

Cygwin compiling error: "this application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way"

Using `pkg-config` as command line argument under cygwin/msys bash

sort | uniq | xargs grep ... where lines contain spaces

Cygwin's bash can't run 'net use /user' command?

windows bash networking cygwin

Fix native Cygwin Vim Python support

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Cannot use ndk-build on Cygwin

android cygwin android-ndk

How to remove the extension of a file?

linux bash unix cygwin

unix command to truncate file contents

unix cygwin

Replace space characters in paths with what?

java path cygwin

How to use cp from stdin?

cygwin stdin cp

Isn't List::Util part of Standard Perl Distribution?

perl list cygwin activestate

Can grep (from command line) be set up to highlight the part of the line that matches?

command-line cygwin grep

Bash echo command not making use of escaped character