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New posts in coveralls

Python project code coverage badge with coveralls / github actions

Cross-platform pipe command in NPM script

Combining code coverage reports in javascript for coveralls

coveralls github integration (with qunit, istanbul, grunt)

Send data to Coveralls only from Travis, not when testing locally

Coveralls not working with Travis

Keep token in YAML file *private/secure* (Coveralls.io)

How to upload test reports of Kotlin sources to Coveralls?

Travis ci fails with mocha+coveralls

Using python-coveralls from github-actions returns "Could not submit coverage: 422 Client Error"

How to configure Coveralls with Github Action?

Is it possible to post coverage for multiple packages to Coveralls?

go coveralls

How can I connect Coveralls and Travis in GitHub?

github travis-ci coveralls

Coveralls GitHub Action - Error: Lcov file not found

Conditional Commands in tox? (tox, travis-ci, and coveralls)

python travis-ci tox coveralls

Get multiple coverage reports in coveralls for a single repository

lcov coveralls