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New posts in npm-scripts

Passing variables from NPM Scripts to Webpack

Getting concurrently scripts to complete

How to pass a command line argument to a nested script?

npm script to rename files with the version specified in package.json

npm packages not available when installed locally

Is there a way to use standard-version just to update the change log

npm-scripts changelog

npm v6.4.1 not running `prepare` inside docker

NPM command for run Node server after webpack finish building

Yarn script produces different output than running command directly

How to run bash script from npm script that exports environment variables

'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command in running script in npm

Cross-platform pipe command in NPM script

Is there a way to use npm scripts in codesandbox.io?

npm-scripts codesandbox

`Tslint --fix` does not autofix but instead generates lint problems as console errors

How to pass current datetime in npm script for git commit message in Windows and cross platform?