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How can I connect Coveralls and Travis in GitHub?

I currently have TravisCI building on PRs in a public GitHub repo. The instructions for Coveralls say to put this in a .coveralls.yml file:

service_name: travis-pro
repo_token: <my_token>

That doesn't work for me because the .coveralls.yml file would be public--checked into GitHub. My TravisCI is integrated into my GitHub repo wired to a branch and fires on PR.

So I tried this:

In TravisCI's site I set an environment var:

COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN to my token's value.

Then modded my .travis.yml to look like this:

language: scala
   - 2.11.7
      - me@my_email.com
  - oraclejdk8
script: "sbt clean coverage test"
after_success: "sbt coverageReport coveralls"
  - sbt clean coverage test coverageReport &&
    sbt coverageAggregate
  - sbt coveralls

Now when I create a PR on the branch this runs ok--no errors and I see output in Travis' console that the coverage test ran and generated files. But when I go to Coveralls I see nothing--"There have been no builds for this repo."

How can I set this up?

EDIT: I also tried creating a .coveralls.yml with just service_name: travis-ci No dice, sadly.

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Greg Avatar asked Sep 15 '16 00:09


1 Answers

How can I set this up?

Step 1 - Enable Coveralls

The first thing to do is to enable Coveralls for your repository.

You can do that on their website http://coveralls.io:

  • go to http://coveralls.io
  • sign in with your GitHub credentials
  • click on "Repositories", then "Add Repo"
    • if the repo isn't listed, yet, then "Sync GitHub Repos"
  • finally, flip the "enable coveralls" switch to "On"

enter image description here

Step 2 - Setup Travis-CI to push the coverage infos to Coveralls

You .travis.yml file contains multiple entries of the script and after_success sections. So, let's clean that up a bit:

language: scala
scala:    2.11.7
jdk:      oraclejdk8

script: "sbt clean coverage test"

after_success: "sbt coveralls"

      - me@my_email.com

Now, when you push, the commands in the script sections are executed. This is were your coverage data is generated.

When the commands finish successfully the after_success section is executed. This is were the coverage data is pushed to coveralls.

The .coveralls config file

The .coveralls file is only needed to:

  • public Travis-CI repos do not need this config file since Coveralls can get the information via their API (via access token exchange)
  • the repo_token (found on the repo page on Coveralls) is only needed for private repos and should be kept secret. If you publish it, then anyone could submit some coverage data for your repo.

Boils down to: you need the file only in two cases:

  • to specify a custom location to the files containing the coverage data
  • or when you are using Travis-Pro and private repositories. Then you have to configure "travis-pro" and add the token:

    service_name: travis-pro
    repo_token: ...
like image 112
Jens A. Koch Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 02:11

Jens A. Koch