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What does a unicorn image on Github.com mean?

I went to view my repository on Github.com and was presented with a giant pink unicorn and a message saying:

No server is currently available to service your request.

Does this mean something is wrong with my repository or account? Have I made in error in my repository?

If not, what's the issue?

A Unicorn!

like image 962
Brett DeWoody Avatar asked Jan 28 '16 01:01

Brett DeWoody

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2 Answers

It means GitHub is down. It means you can't use GitHub any more. See https://status.github.com/.

I guess you can bask it the unicorn's glory or something? Other than that, you can do pretty much whatever you like.

One thing that also isn't down is https://developer.github.com/.

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PyRulez Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09


It means that github is down for some reason.

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m00t13 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
