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New posts in core-bluetooth

iOS Bluetooth State Preservation and Restoration's DUPLICATE ISSUE -25299

iOS Background BLE advertising not detectable by Android

Swift: Choose queue for Bluetooth Central manager

Raspberry Pi Bluetooth 4.0 Connection

iPhone 4S - BLE data transfer speed

Opening an App (iPhone) via bluetooth low energy

iOS 7 CoreBluetooth retrievePeripheralsWithIdentifiers not Retrieving

Clearing iOS BLE cache

<Error>: [CoreBluetooth] API MISUSE: Cancelling connection for unused peripheral

iOS 6 - Bluetooth LE disconnect

Core Bluetooth doesn't find peripherals when scanning for specific CBUUID

Create iOS BLE HID service?

Subscribing for notifications from a CBCharacteristic does not work

BLE Swift write characterisitc

Which point to start with BLE technology on iOS

CBCentralManager changes for iOS 7

CoreBluetooth in Background at Scheduled Time

iOS 8 CoreBluetooth deprecated RSSI methods

iOS CoreBluetooth: startAdvertising() Error advertising static data

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How does iBeacon wake up our app? For how long? And how to extend that time?

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