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New posts in conventions

Where does the naming convention "@@/" (at-at-slash) come from?

For-loop condition conventions [closed]

Where should I put my asp.net-mvc strongly typed viewdata?

Flex External Stylesheet Conventions

Presenting missing values as null or not at all in JSON

node: should package.json be in the src folder or in the parent folder?

Setting various environments (development, production) based on the URL

Does the "usage" notice get printed to stderr?

output conventions

is there a nice "python conventions and best practices" summary anywhere?

python conventions

Where should I put abstract classes in a python package?

Haskell constructor as variables of functions [duplicate]

haskell conventions

Automatic iVars with @synthesize

Typescript: Are there any conventions to document code with comments?

Rewriting a c++ macro as a function, etc

Are there a Code Conventions for Assembly (mainly PIC)? [closed]

Inline Assembler: What scratch registers can be used?

Events convention - I don't get it

c# events conventions

Which array element is the first? [closed]

Using C++ headers (.h) vs headers plus implementation (.h + .cpp), what are the disadvantages?

c++ header conventions

Why does C# use a different Naming convention? [closed]