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New posts in conventions

Java package naming. Underscores: A special case

Can I make vim accept \b rather than just \< and \>?

regex vim conventions

Questions on documenting JavaScript: JS types

Is there coding convention for better place of 'coll' and 'n' for Clojure?

Why use "\t" instead of "<press TAB>" for strings? [duplicate]

c++ tabs conventions

Python source file organization

python conventions

Should a function print a string or return it?

python styles conventions

Aliasing comp as º and partial as ¬ in clojure

clojure conventions

Difference Class and Instance Methods

VS Code PyLint Error E0602 (undefined variable) with ProtoBuf compiled Python Structure

Should I suppress CA2204: Literals should be spelled correctly?

Conventions for ToString

c# tostring conventions

Use of ArgumentNullException when accessing arguments' properties

What's the standard behaviour for an out parameter when a TryXxxx method returns false?

Should multiple if statements like "if (condition) if (condition) ..." be avoided in Java?

Should controller methods take arguments?

Entity Framework Ignore property by conventions

Coding conventions for method returns in C++

C/C++ function/method decoration

c++ c conventions