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New posts in continuations

Can switching in-and-out PyFrameObjects be a good implementation of continuations?

Does Scala continuation plugin support nested shift?

scala haskell continuations

Structuring continuation types?

what determines the outer boundary of a Scheme continuation?

scheme racket continuations

Scala delimited continuations error at runtime

Scala continuations: many shifts in sequence

StateT over Cont. Why is my state not being reset?

Task Continuation (OnlyOnFaulted) still gets unobserved exception

Using boost::future with continuations and boost::when_all

Palindrome and Danvy's remark on direct style

translating Scheme call/cc to Haskell callCC

How to implement the equivalent of Promise.all for my Task implementation?

callstack? retainstack? namestack?

How do you do letcc in Clojure?

call-with-current-continuation - state saving concept

How can I avoid using the stack with continuation-passing style?

How to adapt trampolines to Continuation Passing Style?

I can't seem to wrap my mind around call/cc in Scheme