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New posts in conflict

In Git, is there a way to automatically mark all newer vesions of files in a merge conflict as correct?

git merge github conflict

Resolving SVN merge postponed conflicts recursively

svn merge conflict

C++ global structure creates name conflict

c++ conflict naming

'git status' shows changes to be commited, but 'git push origin master' says 'Everything up-to-date'

git merge conflict

How can I fix a local out of date error with git?

git conflict git-push

SVN checkout without restoring

Subversion conflict with a deleted file

svn conflict delete-file

How do I keep a local version of a conclicted file in TFS?

tfs conflict

Can I keep iBatis and Mybatis in the same application while switching to myBatis?

java conflict ibatis mybatis

git cherry-pick and merge by ignoring EOL changes

Proper Install Order For Visual Studio 2010 with SQL Server 2012 Business Intelligence

How to prevent conflicts between css rules

css styles conflict

Git conflicts causes Storyboard problems

Good idea to include JAR files in Android library (potential conflict with other libraries)?

Avoiding XAML resource key conflicts in reusable WPF controls

Laravel: conflict between model name and built-in facade

Found Conflicts between versions of the same dependent assembly

Conflict on bitbucket remote server but everything is up to date locally