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New posts in cherry-pick

Can cherrypick all PR(pull request) from github?

git cherry-pick without checkout? [duplicate]

git branch cherry-pick

bookkeeping cleanup of equivalent changes across branches in git

git cherry-pick

git cherry-pick and merge by ignoring EOL changes

git cherry-pick merge deleting file

git cherry-pick

Git cherry-pick: how to regenerate change id?

git gerrit cherry-pick

Is it right to use git cherry-pick in these scenarios?

What difference does `.git/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD` make when committing?

Why does cherry-picking make the repo unstable? [closed]

git github cherry-pick

How can two branches be combined into a single branch based on the date of each commit?

How-to git backport (rebase/cherry-pick) an already merged branch

git branch rebase cherry-pick

Does picking a range of commits with cherry-pick or rebase --onto end up with the same result?

git git-rebase cherry-pick

git: unable to cherry pick

git cherry-pick

Move several commits from one branch to another?

git rebase cherry-pick

In TFS, how can I cherry-pick a changeset to an unrelated branch?

tfs merge cherry-pick

Is it possible to apply a commit to all branches in git?

git branch dvcs cherry-pick

git cherry-pick -x: link in details instead of in summary

git cherry-pick

how to git cherry-pick commit declaring our history contains it

Error pushing changes on GIT. Ref names must follow git ref-format rules