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Resolving SVN merge postponed conflicts recursively

I have a dev branch that hasn't been touched for a while. I merged the trunk into it to integrate many fixes/changes in the main line since it was branched out, but now I have many small conflicts (merge-left/merge-right).

I want the latest trunk revision to be used to resolve each conflict. Is there a command I can run that will resolve all conflicts under a working copy in one direction automatically (merge-right should be used for all conflicts)?

EDIT: As indicated in the comments, I tried reverting and then running svn merge with the --accept option, only apparently there is no such option in SVN 1.0. Still looking for a solution.

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Eran Galperin Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 05:12

Eran Galperin

2 Answers

I think you can use the "--accept theirs-full" option when you issue the svn merge command. That should do what you want...

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abigagli Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 02:12


Like abigagly said, you should use --accept theirs-full when doing the merge. If you have already done the merge and want to start over, you can use svn revert -R first, to start over.

The --accept option is new in SVN 1.5, along with interactive merge support.

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Avi Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 03:12
