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Converting a subversion repository to git, why am I seeing "fatal: not a valid object name"?

I am seeing the following output while converting a subversion repo to git.

> Found possible branch point: <repo-url>/trunk => <repo-url>/branches/CMT_PHASE3, 18441
> fatal: Not a valid object name refs/remotes/BlueSimViewer 5.0 20110316 Branch
> cat-file commit refs/remotes/BlueSimViewer 5.0 20110316 Branch: command returned error: 128

The command I am running to convert the repo is

> git svn clone <repo-url> -A authors-transform.txt --stdlayout converted-git > svnlog

This process has already converted 117 branches, some with spaces in their names. I first found this SO question, which helped me move forward from a previous issue solved by git 1.8.x.x.

Any insight as to the cause of this problem and possible ways of fixing it are greatly appreciated.

I am running git version on an Ubuntu 12.10 server. I am happy to provide any other information that would be helpful.

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XBigTK13X Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 15:12


1 Answers

Might be too late now but I guess I found a, at least, odd solution.

Open the file git-repo-name/.git/packged-refs that you mentioned and replace the %20 for spaces, save the document and try again. Worked for me.

Edited in Notepad++ with UTF-8.

Git version: git version 2.6.2.windows.1 (win 7 64x via git bash).

like image 194
Idemax Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 11:01
