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Can I keep iBatis and Mybatis in the same application while switching to myBatis?

The question is the one of the title. There follows a brief explanation.

I have an application which uses iBatis 2 and I would like to migrate to the latest version of myBatis (3.2.0 at the momento of writing). Since I don't have enough time to start and finish the work without having to do other tasks on that application, and considering that creating a branch would require a painful merge at the end, I was wondering if I can introduce myBatis and then meet my goal gradually. In the end iBatis would be removed entirely.

Can I encounter some conflicts on the way? In other words, can iBatis 2.3 and MyBatis 3.2 live together? Maybe some of you faced the same problem.

like image 954
reallynice Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 10:11


1 Answers

I think the migration process is not very complicated at all, it is a task you can achieve in a few hours.

Most of the work is in changing packages names. Take a look to this doc.

Anyway, since iBatis and myBatis use different packages should not be any problem to work with them at the same time.

like image 102
jddsantaella Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
