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New posts in compiler-construction

Calling convention on x64 [duplicate]

How do purely functional compilers annotate the AST with type info?

Is there a BNF grammar openly available for JavaScript ES6? [closed]

Building GCC cross compiler (from "Linux" to "Windows")

"==" Operator Doesn't Behave Like Compiler-generated Equals() override for anonymous type

C: Compiler info at runtime

c compiler-construction

Does it ever make sense for a compiler to pass a structure like this in a cpu register to a function?

How do I get sal.h

When does whitespace impact on performance?

How can I determine if a compiler uses early or late binding on a virtual function?

Is it possible to disambiguate conflicting type name in the using declaration?

Have different optimizations (plain, SSE, AVX) in the same executable with C/C++

What's the difference among Expression,Statements and Declaration from the view of compiler?

compiler-construction go

Fast Standard ML compiler or bytecode interpreter, with read-eval-print loop, for Linux?

Writing a compiler; which VM?


Java compiler tree API - how do I set it up?

Branch on ?: operator?

Can I translate an AST to SSA, or do I need to translate to a CFG then to SSA?

What does casting do at compiler/machine level?

Operator Overloading Plugin for Java