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Registering handlers for .NET COM event in C++

c# c++ com interop

Access COM objects on another box from .NET (without deprecated DCOM, remoting)

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Late Binding COM objects with C++Builder

Why would the PIDL for the control panel be different?

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Can Haskell [easily] do COM?

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C++ potentially-throwing code at COM method boundaries

Consecutive interface function IDs

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defaultvalue and retval parameter ordering in IDL file and C++ header file

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Solidworks EPDM API IEdmEnumeratorVariable5::SetVar not working as expected

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Can not reuse brush to draw both text and rectangle

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What does ComPtr.As() do?

c++ com

Programmatically clear IE history, cookies, cache while IE is open

Returning an array from JS to C# with COM-Interop

c# javascript com com-interop

Restricting WinForm application to one process with multiple instances

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Does a wrapper class calling a COM component through C# need to implement the Dispose pattern?

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How to use win32com to handle overflow when querying Desktop Search?

What's the difference between BSTR and _bstr_t?

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IApplicationActivationManager::ActivateApplication in C#?

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