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Is there an OS function to translate a REFIID to a helpful name?

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Get name of active Excel workbook from Python

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What is XPCOM? XPCOM vs COM?

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How to Extract TypeLib from a COM exe on Command Line

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What is the difference between a COM string (BSTR) and a .NET string?

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Techniques for resolving COM-related error 0x80040154?

Subscribe to C# .net Event in VB6

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Calling an x64 assembly via COM from a 32 bit App

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Release COM Object in C#

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Accessing COM in SQL CLR

Dynamic cast of System.__ComObject

How to convert C# code that uses Shell COM to F#?

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Why is VBA's VarType function saying this COM object is a string? (Object is instance of COM version of .NET's System.Object class.) Is it a bug?

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How to debug regsvr32 post-compile DLL registration exception?

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Interface inheritance in ComVisible classes in C#

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How to list all ActiveX controls?

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How can I determine why a call to IXMLDOMDocument::load() fails?

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What is the different purpose of .H header file and a IDL file?

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IWebBrowser2: how to force links to open in new window?

How does implementing multiple COM interfaces work in C++?