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How to release Outlook MailItem correct?

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Converting VBS code to C#

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COM multi-threading support

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Classic ASP and COM DLL Does not work in Server 2008 R2 (Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad' ActiveX component can't create object )

Difference between idl and odl

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How to check if a class implements an interface, with respecting supersets?

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How do I use Reg-Free COM for a vb6 dll reference in a .net project?

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Python win32 com : how to handle 'out' parameter?

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Addref on COM RCW

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c#.net COM dll breaks reference with vb6 application

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Where is using null BSTR documented?

Add file to Itunes com

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Using tlbexp.exe on a COM dll

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How to improve performance of background task in WPF?

Is there a tool which lists exported methods from a DLL?

com dll

How do I choose between E_NOTIMPL and E_NOINTERFACE?

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How to solve Link Error on call to ::UuidToString()?

com visual-c++

How to create a workboook specific Excel Add in

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Memory leak - release and delete

Is the packing of structs passed in COM interfaces defined?

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