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New posts in iwebbrowser2

Supressing Script Error in IE8 (C++)

How do I redirect the TWebBrowser control to a custom URL?

Hooking the http/https protocol in IE causes GET requests to be sequential

IWebbrowser2 IE=edge and User agent string

IWebBrowser2: how to force links to open in new window?

How to bypass Internet Explorer Enhanced Security when using embedded WebBrowser control?

How do I add an event listener using MSHTML's addEventListener in IE9?

IWebBrowser2 object uses IE7 version, instead of the IE version installed on the machine

Javascript in Delphi TWebBrowser, Closing Threads

How to automate an IE webapp that pops a modal HTML dialog?

How to make TWebBrowser Zoom when using ctrl+mousewheel like Internet Explorer does?

Calling C++ function from JavaScript script running in a web browser control