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New posts in browser-automation

Automate browser interaction

Is it better to use Actions.sendKeys() or WebElement.sendKeys() to simulate a user typing with Selenium WebDriver?

Automate "Save as HAR with Content"

Excel VBA SendKeys not causing IE 9 to save download

CodeCoverage for Functional automation in NodeJS Applications

Form.Submit does not go through when using VBA

Browser Automation with Selenium: Fingerprints, recognizability and traceability?

How to remotely control Firefox from a script on OS X

WebDriver API blocking behavior when browser is busy executing some long running JavaScript

How to run all test scripts on a single browser instance

How to handle browser or app may not be secure issue with web driver Selenium python?

Is there an alternative to watir::ie.attach for watir-webdriver since attach is not supported on webdriver

Nightmare JS not working

How Do You Set Value of Input Element Programmatically Through CSharp?

selenium and qt c++?

Using Testcafe with Appium

How to automate Firefox Mobile with Selenium?

How to use dynamic url's with testcafe fixture/tests