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New posts in testcafe

TestCafe beforeEach hook - how to execute a function and declare a variable

Testcafe differences between selectors ".exits" and ".visible"

TestCafe - The browser always starts in clean slate between the tests. How to override this so that browser remembers cache, user settings and storage

How to ignore the "ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded" in TestCafe

Getting TypeError: Cannot stub non-existent own property when stubbing async method

How to simulate text selection in testCafe

Testcafé - getting content of invisible <input>'s value attribute

Testcafe unable to determine if an element is enabled or disabled

Testcafe Vue Selectors can't grab Vue component

Testcafe wont recognise React

How to get full stack trace in Test Cafe errors

Execute tests one by one even across browsers

TestCafe: Text entered in textfield is backwards

How do I insert a variable into a regex .match() assertion?

Using Testcafe Selectors: withText then sibling

Writing a Testcafe test to assert a loading spinner is visible after making a fetch request

Testcafe .presskey for multiple presses

Testcafe: How to error on 4xx or 5xx response?

Documentation for performing data driven testing using testCafe?