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New posts in web-testing

CSS selector for div while using selenium webdriver and ruby

Testcafe differences between selectors ".exits" and ".visible"

TestCafe - The browser always starts in clean slate between the tests. How to override this so that browser remembers cache, user settings and storage

Testcafe unable to determine if an element is enabled or disabled

Login to Azure Active Directory programmatically

How do I insert a variable into a regex .match() assertion?

How to select value in a span element with Selenium testing?

How to select Chrome extensions to enable when using Selenium [duplicate]

How to select a frame with no name or id in robot framework?

Documentation for performing data driven testing using testCafe?

Automatic web tester for 404 links?


Is there a way to bail the suite if a certain test fails?

How to do web testing for ASP.NET MVC views?

Access the name of the current fixture and test at runtime

In Testcafe, how can I wait for a 2nd element of the same selector to appear?

Selenium: difference between "role hub" and "role webdriver"?

Selenium 2 right-click

How do I read, update and replace a "String body" field in a web test from a plugin?

Can I use pagespeed insights for my local host website or offline?