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Can I run an app on a real device (iPhone) from a laptop (mac) with Appium - WebDriver?

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Not able to start appium session

iOS support for appium on windows

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Does Google Cloud Test Lab support Appium tests?

INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PERMISSION error when installing Yahoo Mail apk on Samsung Galaxy S6 using Appium

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Unable to launch ipa file in IOS 10 real Device using appium 1.6.0

System.TypeLoadException : Method 'Dispose' in type 'OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.Service.AppiumCommandExecutor'

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Android app test using selenium webdriver [closed]

Using Appium to Automate Hybrid App

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What means "The app must be signed with a development identity" ?

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Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: "Carthage binary is not found."

Appium desktop server error when starting session could not sign with default certificate

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How to set an accessibility identifier properly in SwiftUI?

How to make appium tests run faster on iOS?

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Appium in Web app: Unable to tap Allow permission button in notification pop up window

Any way to put app in background and relaunch in Appium iOS

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node_modules is not recognized as an internal or external command

How to close/kill an app on android device using appium?

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Failed at the [email protected] install script