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New posts in code-signing

BlackBerry Code Signing on Linux without GUI

Driver Install Fails Because Cross Signing Chain doesn't contain microsoft

Mac load commands corruption

What are good resources (other than Apple) to understand certificates, code signing, provisioning and related subjects?

deploying debug app to playbook gives "failure 881 required signatures missing (RDK, AUTHOR)"

Getting rid of "The publisher could not be verified" for a SINGLE instance install - Possible?

How to use StrongNameKeyPair with a password protected keyfile (pfx)?

Exactly how does code-signing help software publishers?


Authenticating DLLs in C#

c# .net code-signing

How to build and sign an iOS app on separate machines?

SecKey API returned: -25304 libswiftAVFoundation.dylib: unknown error -1=ffffffffffffffff error: Task failed with exit 1 signal 0

ios xcode code-signing

Signing a ClickOnce application with an AfterCompile target

How to codesign automatically generated iOS apps?

XCode: How can I verify an IPA is valid before uploading?

ios xcode code-signing

errSecInternalComponent Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code 65

Xamarin.iOS app crashing with error DYLD Library not loaded, mapped file has no cdhash, Code has to be at least ad-hoc signed

ios xcode code-signing dyld

What are the benefits of Windows Certificate Store?

windows code-signing

Debug Signing Config on Gradle Product Flavors

How do I securely configure a CI server to digitally sign binaries?

How to manage signing keystore in Gitlab CI for android