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Oozie + Sqoop: JDBC Driver Jar Location

Usecases for mapred.job.queue.name

Installing cloudera impala without cloudera manager

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Hadoop: intermediate merge failed

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How To Refresh/Clear the DistributedCache When Using Hue + Beeswax To Run Hive Queries That Define Custom UDFs?

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Apache flume twitter agent not streaming data

Namenode HA (UnknownHostException: nameservice1)

Impala cannot find com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

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Using Storm in Cloudera

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Apache Pig: Load a file that shows fine using hadoop fs -text

Namenode failure and recovery in Hadoop

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In Hadoop where does the framework save the output of the Map task in a normal Map-Reduce Application?

Where are the hadoop-examples* and hadoop-test* jars in Cloudera CDH?

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Structure Difference between partitioning and bucketing in hive

Error while loading rJava

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How to resolve 'file could only be replicated to 0 nodes, instead of 1' in hadoop?

hadoop cloudera

Setting fs.default.name in core-site.xml Sets HDFS to Safemode

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