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New posts in oozie

oozie workflow spark launch job on a particular queue

Oozie String wf:errorCode(String node) how to check empty?

hadoop oozie

<job-tracker> and <name-node> in oozie pig configuraction action - where can i find them?

hadoop apache-pig oozie

Oozie jobs struck in running state

java hadoop oozie

How to auto rerun of failed action in oozie?

oozie oozie-coordinator

Handling loops in oozie workflow

hadoop oozie

Error: E0708 : E0708: Invalid transition

hadoop oozie hadoop2

Is there a way to direct Oozie to kill all jobs?


Apache Oozie failed loading ShareLib

hadoop oozie

Oozie job configuration app directory not found on HDFS

Can Oozie HDFS action use file patterns or glob?


hive action failing in oozie (on cloudera CDH 4.1.1)

hadoop hive cloudera oozie

Getting OOZIE error E0900: Jobtracker [localhost:8021] not allowed, not in Oozies whitelist]

hadoop oozie

Need to pass Variable from Shell Action to Oozie Shell using Hive

shell hive oozie

Oozie job stuck at START action in PREP state

hadoop oozie

What is the proper way of running a Spark application on YARN using Oozie (with Hue)?

NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/conf/Configuration

org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.counters.LimitExceededException: Too many counters: 121 max=120