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Hive always run mapred jobs in local mode

hive cloudera cloudera-cdh

How to set configuration in Hive-Site.xml file for hive metastore connection?

HDFS as volume in cloudera quickstart docker

hdfs moveFromLocal does not distribute replica blocks across data nodes

Implement CREATE AS SELECT in Impala

cloudera impala

Exception running /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.yarn/topology.py

Accessing HBase running in VM with a client on host system

What are disadvantages of the Hadoop distribution MapR compared to Cloudera and Hortonworks? [closed]

hadoop hdfs cloudera mapr

Where are solr.xml, solrconfig.xml and schema.xml located?

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Pig: is it possible to use pytz or dateutils for Python udfs?

How do I install Cloudera Hue on Mac OS X Lion?

hadoop cloudera hue

Which Distribution CDH Vs HDP

How do I fix "File could only be replicated to 0 nodes instead of minReplication (=1)."?

Unable to start CDH4 secondary name node: Invalid URI for NameNode address

hadoop cloudera

Impala: Show tables like query

hadoop hdfs points to file:/// not hdfs://

hadoop hdfs cloudera

YARN Application exited with exitCode: -1000 Not able to initialize user directories

cloudera hadoop-yarn

Oozie workflow: Hive table not found but it does exist

hive cloudera oozie

Yarn container is running out of memory

hadoop, python, subprocess failed with code 127