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Sqoop import : composite primary key and textual primary key

Issue in connecting kafka from outside

Hive tables not found when running in YARN-Cluster mode

Pyspark - read zip file from s3 to an RDD [duplicate]

Ambari 2.0 installation fails, "<urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>"

hadoop user file permissions

Hortonworks Ranger credentials

Switching from Capacity Scheduler to Fair Scheduler on Hortonworks Data Platform

How to install mahout using ambari server

Spark SQL "Limit"

Kafka Java Producer with kerberos

Where does Hbase store data?

Can't enable http traffic on instance

The folder you are executing pip from can no longer be found

Workflow error logs disabled in Oozie 4.2

dep interpreter not found

How can I know spark-core version?

sqlContext HiveDriver error on SQLException: Method not supported