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Change Hive Database location

hadoop hive hdfs cloudera

Unable to establish a JDBC connection to Hive from Eclipse

java hadoop jdbc hive cloudera


Virtual machine "Cloudera quick start" not booting

Hadoop : Provide directory as input to MapReduce job

Call From quickstart.cloudera/ to quickstart.cloudera:8020 failed on connection exception: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

TIMESTAMP format issue in HIVE

Livy Server: return a dataframe as JSON?

Where is the sqoop library directory?

hadoop cloudera sqoop

Apache Spark error : Could not connect to akka.tcp://sparkMaster@

BindException in Hadoop on EC2

Invalid URI for NameNode address

java xml hadoop cloudera

AM Container is running beyond virtual memory limits

hadoop cloudera hadoop-yarn

Elaboration on why shuffle write data is way more then input data in apache spark

apache-spark hdfs cloudera

Unable to connect to Hive2 using Python

Running wordcount sample using MRV1 on CDH4.0.1 VM

hadoop cloudera

error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol

java ssl hadoop openssl cloudera

Cloudera 5.6: Parquet does not support date. See HIVE-6384

hive cloudera parquet

How to run HBase shell against a remote cluster

Setting permissions for cloudera hadoop

permissions hadoop cloudera