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New posts in cil

How can I use Cecil to find the type passed to a generic method?

c# cil mono.cecil

NullReferenceException in VS2015 C++/CLI Release Build

Simple generated MSIL throws "Operation could destabilize the runtime"

c# .net cil dynamicmethod

Can the CIL evaluation stack contain value types?

.net clr cil value-type

What should I pin when working on arrays?

clr cil reflection.emit

What exactly does the == operator do?

.NET 4.5 MethodBuilder.SetMethodBody

Check whether a constructor calls another constructor

Override overlapped method

c# .net cil

Is a struct wrapping a primitive value type a zero cost abstraction in C#?

c# performance cil ryujit

MSIL : Superfluous branch


Where can I get Mono.Cecil.Pdb.dll?

mono cil mono.cecil

What is wrong with this CIL?

c# .net cil mono.cecil

What do "auto," "ansi," and "cil managed" do in CIL?

keyword cil

Are private classes being sealed at compilation?

Does MSIL have ROL and ROR instructions?

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Why cant you require operator overloading in generics [closed]

Is there a way to see the native code produced by theJITter for given C# / CIL?

c# .net jit cil

How can I get current values of locals and parameters on the stack?

c# .net debugging reflection cil

Why does 'unbox.any' not provide a helpful exception text the way 'castclass' does?

c# .net clr cil unboxing