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New posts in chef-infra

How to make newly created user as sudo user by using chef

Chef data bag creation from a recipe

chef-infra chef-recipe

What is meant by 'converge_by'


Chef Solo - Chef::Exceptions::PrivateKeyMissing


vagrant : how to get hostonly ip address from within chef recipe?

chef-infra vagrant

Override the chef bash return code

chef-infra chef-recipe

How can I edit a chef attribute of an ec2 node using knife

How do I install the knife-ec2 plugin?

chef-infra knife

Chef wrapper cookbook best practices


chef - STDERR: The python_package resource requires pip >= 6.1.0, currently 10.0.0

How can I test my LWRP with ChefSpec?

Is there a way to use private git repository with Berkshelf

git chef-infra berkshelf

Chef: Read variable from file and use it in one converge

ruby chef-infra chef-recipe

How to include_recipe inside a ruby_block of a chef recipe

chef-infra chef-recipe

Chef Node Attributes. Which ones are avaialble?


How to preserve apt-cache archive directory when using docker / host volumes

How to disable cookbook synchronization with chef-client?

Vagrant Box Breaking After Knife Cookbook Installs

cant get chef to run bash under a certain user

bash chef-infra

How to make Ruby JSON parser ignore json_class?

ruby json chef-infra