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New posts in chef-infra

ERROR: Cookbook loaded at path(s) has invalid metadata

Chef - execute vs bash resource

ruby chef-infra recipe

Cfengine vs Chef

I want to use HTTPS connection on my GIT repo and the crendentials are in data bags

github chef-infra

Chef fails to run because cookbooks folder is not accessible

npm install with Chef, lead to EACCES issue in my vagrant user

npm vagrant chef-infra

How to use Chef "search" method in library code (in module method)?


Turn off verbose_logging for single Chef recipes or resources

Multiple installations of my app - how do I handle it

Reload chef recipes if install fails or updates are available


Chef: How do I check to see if a service is installed?

Minimize service restarts from chef notifications?


ChefSpec - Unable to set node attributes

chef-infra chefspec

Chef Ruby loop over attributes in an .erb template file

Difference between chef server vs. chef repo?


The apt recipe won't install within my recipe

"FATAL: Cannot load configuration" after chef-client


How to use Berkshelf with Chef-solo?

chef-infra vagrant

Chef - template inside a provider not finding source

ruby chef-infra

Chef - How to get the output of a command to a Ruby variable

chef-infra engineyard