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New posts in chef-infra

How to migrate from one chef-server to another chef-server

chef-infra knife

Manage website users, vhosts and PHP-FPM pools using Chef

chef-infra chef-recipe

Chef Selenium: Strange error when I go to the hub ip:4444/wd/hub

Bundle install is using a different Ruby version?

ruby chef-infra vagrant rbenv

how to set password for user at run time in chef

knife chef-infra

Chef node configuration issue with knife bootstrap- can't authenticate with server

chef-infra knife

Getting started with chef, and running composer install on deploy

Chef mysql opscode-cookbooks desn't work: "could not find recipe ruby for cookbook mysql"

mysql chef-infra

Chef PEM file invalid or mis-named?

chef-infra knife

Any pointers on setting up Chef push jobs?


Chef - Dir.exists? guard treating symlink as directory

ruby chef-infra chef-recipe

How can I tag an EC2 instance using Ruby in Chef?

ruby amazon-ec2 chef-infra

Feedback on Ruby / ChefSpec coding style

ruby rspec chef-infra chefspec

Modifying php.ini setting with chef php cookbook

I have installed chef-dk and started using berkshelf but berks upload failed

chef-infra berkshelf chefdk

SQL Server setup fails with "Unable to generate a temporary class" when through chef-solo on vagrant

Ruby version for Chef

ruby chef-infra chef-solo

Chef-Solo "undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass"

Chef Recipes - Setting node attributes in ruby_block

ruby scope dsl chef-infra

Chef-client throws 403 forbidden intermittently