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New posts in cgal

saving CGAL alpha shape surface mesh

c++ 3d geometry mesh cgal

CGAL tutorial for beginners [closed]

CGAL versus VTK

vtk cgal

Is clang's c++11 support reliable?

Bad lighting using Phong Method

c++ opengl shader cgal phong

Is there a way to make this shortest path algorithm faster?

CGAL - Retrieve Vertex Index After Delaunay Triangulation

c++ cgal delaunay

What happened to the python bindings for CGAL?

Geodesic computation on triangle meshes?

CGAL connecting 2 geometries

3d geometry cgal

Visual Studio/C++: How to turn off certain first-chance exception debug messages?

Getting a vertex_handle from an edge_iterator

Points, Lines, and Polygons on Spheres with C/C++ [closed]

Why are KD-trees so damn slow for nearest neighbor search in point sets?

CGAL for .Net ( or C#)

.net cgal

How do I iterate over faces in CGAL

What's a good library to do computational geometry (like CGAL) in a garbage-collected language?

Qt4 + CGAL - Parse error at "BOOST_JOIN"

c++ boost qt4 cgal

Polygon Triangulation with Holes

Compiling a static executable with CMake