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New posts in category-theory

Representable Functor isomorphic to (Bool -> a)

Which Haskell Functors are equivalent to the Reader functor

Are codatatypes really terminal algebras?

What is the 'minimum' needed to make an Applicative a Monad?

Is there a generalization of these Free-like constructions?

How do I show that a Haskell type is inhabited by one and only one function?

Open Type Level Proofs in Haskell/Idris

What are "vocabulary types", and how many exist?

High-Order ScalaCheck

Is there a theory that combines category theory/abstract algebra and computational complexity?

Do monad transformers, generally speaking, arise out of adjunctions?

Products and coproducts in posets

What does "a monad is a model of computation" mean

How to Factorize Continuation Monad into Left & Right Adjoints?

What is exactly an indexed functor in Haskell and what are its usages?

Why Functor class has no return function?

Haskell: How is join a natural transformation?

What does "lax" mean in "lax monoidal functor"?

Where do values fit in Category of Hask?

haskell category-theory

Is this property of a functor stronger than a monad?