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New posts in c#-6.0

How to create a static lambda for use with expression building?

c# lambda c#-6.0

Specify decimal places using variables inside string interpolation

When text is null, text?.IndexOf(ch) != -1 is True?

Enabling C# 6 in ASP.VNext projects in Visual Studio CTP2

asp.net-core c#-6.0

Null propagation operator

c# .net c#-6.0

Get value or null of nullable variable

c# c#-6.0

How to do exponentiation in constant expression?

Visual Studio 2015: Invalid "Cast is redundant" warning in interpolated string expression

C# 6.0 null operator in a conditional statement

c# null c#-6.0

Differences in the new syntax of C# 6.0 / New null check syntax?

c# visual-studio c#-6.0

C# 6 null propagation what value is set when object is null

Expression vs nameof

c# .net expression c#-6.0 nameof

Escape curly braces in string.Format or string interpolation and a format specifier [duplicate]

c# .net c#-6.0

Does C# 6 string interpolation use boxing like string.Format() does for its arguments?

How do I enable C# scripting in VS 2015?

c# scripting roslyn c#-6.0

What's the difference between ReSharper `MergeSequentialChecks` and `MergeSequentialChecksWhenPossible`?

c# resharper c#-6.0

String interpolation in XAML

Target .Net 4.5 in VS2015 but I am allowed to use C# 6 features?

TeamCity Build using C#6

C# 6.0 - Unexpected character '$' [closed]