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How to wrap a C++ class in a C based dll or a CLI based dll?

c++ c dll c++-cli

Error in return a function pointer in C++ without typedef

Could C++.Net assemblies be decompiled easily?

focusOutEvent is not called

c++ qt

Any advantage to using shared_ptr over scoped_ptr at top level?

c++ shared-ptr scoped-ptr

How does this enqueue function work?

Alternative implementation syntaxes for class members on c++


A pair of function call operators

c++ operators

Adding a new inherited "interface" and virtual methods require recompile

c++ dll interface

Optimizing the Pythagoras SQRT()

c++ math sqrt

Error reporting in Boost Spirit

Is such a downcast safe?


What is the correct way to define inline functions?

c++ inline

c++ vector inside a structure

c++ vector realloc

Array crashes with more than 120000 elements [duplicate]

c++ arrays

How to merge two classes with much the same code but operating on different structures

'vector iterators incompatible'

c++ stl iterator

re2c scanners on C++ iterator source

c++ lexer re2c

How to display a vtable by name using gdb

c++ debugging gdb vtable

BOOST_PP_REPEAT with array