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New posts in boost-preprocessor

BOOST_PP_REPEAT with array

How to use boost preprocessor to generate accessors?

How to force processor to use result of expression before pasting

How to iterate over two Boost Preprocessor sequences at the same time?

How to use boost::preprocessor to unzip a sequence?

Can we implement a max or min macro, which can take variable arguments (more than two parameters )

Can BOOST_PP_DEFINED be implemented?

How do I count the number of macro arguments passed to a variadic macro?

c++ boost-preprocessor

Recursive explicit template instantiation to export symbols for a library

Register a C++ class so that later a function can iterate over all registered classes

Can I append to a preprocessor macro?

Construct path for #include directive with macro

Is Boost using legal C++ preprocessing directive syntax?

D_WIN32_WINNT compiler warning with Boost

Is the C99 preprocessor Turing complete?

How do I show the value of a #define at compile-time?