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New posts in c++

3 keys ordered map in C++


Is it possible to define an implicit conversion operator to std::array?

Qtcreator can't find the class header file after promoting a widget to that class?

c++ qt qt-creator

OS dependent C++ memory leaks?

Properly declaring smart pointers


destroy gtkmm message dialog?

c++ messagebox gtkmm

How to convert anything to string implicitly?

How do I define the JNI method signature of a generic class?

practical application of indirect recursion [closed]

c++ recursion

Sorting files with boost filesystem

c++ sorting boost

How to get rid of stepping into stl_vector.h using gdb "s" command?

c++ gdb stdvector

STL Container constructed from other container (e.g. list from vector)

What does "duplicate data type in declaration" mean?

c++ qt c++11 qt-creator

Is C++ 0x/TR1 safe to use when portability matters?

c++ c++11 portability

Using pointers to iterate through multidimensional array

c++ arrays iterator

C++ - dynamic array in 1D works, the same in 2D doesn't work [duplicate]

c++ arrays

Am I correctly understanding what all these pointers are pointing at?


Perfect return for functions modifying their argument

When are Qt slots called?

c++ qt signals-slots

Poco Timer Example

c++ linux timer poco