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How to convert anything to string implicitly?

My goal is to design a String class that decorates std::string in order to provide some functionality my program needs. One functionality I want to add is the ability to convert anything to my String implicitly in order to save some typing.

In order to achieve the implicitly conversion I designed the following class:

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const String& s);

class String {
    template<typename t_value>
    String::String(t_value value) {
       std::ostringstream oss;
       oss << value;
      _str = oss.str();
    std::string _str;

This works fine with any type that has the <<operator defined. The problem came up with any class that doesn't have the stream operator. A compiler error would be fine but what I got is an infinity recursion since C++ tries to use my global << operator to try to convert to my String type.

My primary objective is to code like this

class Foo {
    int _memberWithUnderscoreInName;

String s = Foo();

And get a compiler error instead of an infinite loop in the constructor.

Is there a simple solution for this?

like image 860
McLeary Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 13:03


1 Answers

Instead of declaring the output operator in the surrounding namespace, only declare it as a friend of the String class:

class String {
    // This must be implemented inline here
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const String& s) {
        return o << _str; // for example

    template<typename t_value>
    String(t_value value) {
       std::ostringstream oss;
       oss << value;
      _str = oss.str();
    std::string _str;

Now it can only be found by argument-dependent lookup, and so will only be considered if the second argument really is of type String, not just convertible to it. Therefore, it won't be considered as a candidate for os << value in the constructor, giving a compile error rather than a run-time death spiral if there is no other candidate.

like image 183
Mike Seymour Avatar answered Apr 02 '23 16:04

Mike Seymour