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New posts in c++20

Why I can not use designated initalizers with structs that are not aggregates?

Why the superfluous calls to filter functions when `std::views::reverse` is used?

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ranges::view::transform produces an InputIterator preventing the use of std::prev

c++ iterator c++20 std-ranges

multiple concepts for template class

c++ c++20 c++-concepts

is bit_cast without compiler support for constexpr memcpy possible?

How do I add a number of days to a date in C++20 chrono?

c++ c++20 c++-chrono

How to pass array initialization thru custom structure?

c++ c++17 c++20

Is there any reason to use extern for constants anymore?

c++ c++20

Dependent template names and C++20 ADL

Does NRVO also apply to coroutines?

Cast from double to size_t yields wrong result?

c++ type-conversion c++20

C++20 concepts require operator overloading combine with user-define template operator overloading function

C++ initialization strange behavior

Is it possible to use a dynamic number of range adaptors?

c++ c++20 std-ranges

P0960, Is there any kind of mechanic to detect if there are narrowing in the new aggregates init with ()s in c++20?

Are there any plans to add "expects" to std::optional?

Implementing a concept for Pair with C++20 concepts

c++ c++20 c++-concepts

How to compare string_view using if-constexpt in a constexpr context

What would be an example where std::bit_cast produces a value representation of multiple values?

c++ language-lawyer c++20

Unary fold with empty parameter pack