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New posts in std-ranges

Why is ranges::basic_istream_view::begin() not cached?

c++ c++20 range-v3 std-ranges

ranges::view::transform produces an InputIterator preventing the use of std::prev

c++ iterator c++20 std-ranges

Is it possible to use a dynamic number of range adaptors?

c++ c++20 std-ranges

Range-v3 view composition and views calculation parallelization

c++20 ranges library, how to make conditional operator work?

c++ c++20 std-ranges

Is this correct: std::views::reverse on infinite range?

Why does std::views::take_while from the Ranges library require a const predicate?

c++ c++20 predicate std-ranges

Generator called twice in C++20 views pipeline [duplicate]

c++ c++20 range-v3 std-ranges

What is the difference between the split_view and the lazy_split_view in C++?

c++ std-ranges c++23

C++why do constrained algorithms (e.g. std::ranges::merge) also return the end of the input ranges?

c++ c++20 std-ranges

what are the constraints for std::ranges::make_heap?

c++ c++20 std-ranges

What are the rules for creating your own (pipeable) ranges ::views and ::actions?

c++ c++20 std-ranges

C++20 Streams aka Ranges

C++20 std::ranges: Range adapter to skip every nth element

c++ c++20 std-ranges

why I can't use a take() after a istream_view in c++20

c++ c++20 std-ranges

Why does views::reverse not work with iota_view<int64_t, int64_t>

c++ c++20 std-ranges

Why is std::common_iterator just std::forward_iterator?